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ReHLDS engine 653 or newer
MetaMod 1.20 (p) or later
Reunion is a continuation of DProto for ReHLDS.
This is a metamod plugin that allows you to enter 47/48 Non-Steam to the server.
Development began Crock, but, in connection with the advent of new projects, did not have time to finish. Asmodai and s1lent are currently developing and supporting.

  • Support for all famous steam / non-steam customers.
  • Support for 48/47 protocols.
  • Emulation of AuthID by the client’s iron. To do this, one of the supported emulators must be installed on the client.
  • Emulation of AuthID by the client's IP address. For each type of client, you can select your AuthID.
    For example, for clients of 48 protocols do STEAM_, and for 47 — VALVE_, or do not let them into the server at all.
  • Flexible adjustment of the allowed types of authorization and prefixes for them.

dp_rejmsg_steam "Sorry, legit clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_nosteam47 "Sorry, no-steam p47 clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_nosteam48 "Sorry, no-steam p48 clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_hltv "Sorry, HLTV is not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_pending "Sorry, unauthorized clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_revemu "Sorry, RevEmu clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_revemu2013 "Sorry, RevEmu2013 clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_steamemu "Sorry, SteamEmu clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_oldrevemu "Sorry, Old RevEmu clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_avsmp "Sorry, AVSMP clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_revemu_sc2009 "Sorry, revEmu / SC2009 clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_sxei "Sorry, sXe Injected clients are not allowed on this server"
[*]dp_rejmsg_sse3 "Sorry, SSE3 clients are not allowed on this server"

Q: I installed SteamIdHashSalt as it was in dproto's config, but the players have changed steamid. Why?
A: Reunion uses a different, safer hash algorithm. Knowing the steamid of another player before installing SteamIdHashSalt will not help you get the same steamid after turning on hashling.

Q: Is there anything you can do against steamid substitutes?
A: No, id changers generate correct authorization information, so from the server you can’t find out that steamid has been replaced. You can only configure SteamIdHashSalt to prevent another player from being replaced with a specific steamid.

Q: I have problems using HLSW.
A: Use the most stable version HLSW 1.3.1

Q: Nostym players are not counted when displaying server information in the Valve wizard. Can this be fixed?
A: No, the client of the poem receives information about the number of players from authorization game servers. The value received from the server is simply ignored.

Q: Why can't amxbans and some other scripts get a list of players on the server?
A: They use an incorrect request format and must be rewritten using last PHP-Source-Query or a similar script.

Q: In dproto was the Game_Name option, but in reunion it is not. How to change the name of the game?
A: Use plugin.

Q: AmxBans 6.0 / 6.1 / gmbans does not display a list of server variables in server information, what to do?
A: You will need to replace the file include / or include / serverinfo_helper.php,
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