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reapi amxx Unreal Anti ESP 3.20

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  • The bug has been fixed leading to errors and lack of sounds with a lack of the number of entities in the config.
    Now finally :)
* Fixed a bug in the code due to which sounds could disappear on servers with a large number of players and give out a lot of errors in the logic.

* Automatically increase the number of entities in the confection with a shortage (with a warning to the log)

Fixed a false warning about the lack of protection.

Fixed accidental damage to groupinfo which led to problems with sounds and the disappearance of models.

Added configuration access check. (in the case when there is no access to reading and writing, the plugin stops with an error and offers a solution)

* Removed < engine > inklud
* Fix hide_weapon_events (now it will work more accurately)

In the next version, add another option for hide_weapon_events

* Fixed option hide_weapon_events

[optional] Recommended
install the version of reapi from github actions, or more for the correct PAS work and better work hide_weapon_events, this version of reapi requires the following regamedll

Fixed a critical bug with the indentation of sound! (not counted PAS)
Added option skip_pas_check for non-release version reapi
* Minor bug fixes
Disables the use of face entities for sounds *, gives more chance to confuse chits (almost all cheats will draw squares with the names of enemies, in random positions) but weakens the defense a little.

* This can slightly change the logic of the sound, use at its discretion.

* Fixed one settings conflict (when the list of sounds is zero)
* Added more checks and write errors to the log file
* Fixed conflict of two options from the config process_all_sounds and USE_ORIGINAL_SOUND_PATHS
Added debugging to clarify UnpackChannel error
Fixed a critical error because of which the config was not created automatically and did not boot!

* Added new option process_all_sounds in config
is responsible for processing all sounds and not just those specified in the settings.

* Bagfixes (error "Failed to unpack entity or channel from packed value! ")
Added a new option:
send_missing_sound — sends one non-existent sound to try to paint cheats.

The option is deleted replace_sound_for_all_ents for unnecessary. (it allowed a little increase in productivity, but caused problems)


* Added a new option to config: enable_fake_sounds

Has the following settings:
0 - Fake sound generation disabled
1 - Generates around all players fake sounds
2 - Generates the sound around the player himself, and the number of sounds is increased *

* from side effects, players can move their mouths, but that's not for sure

Correction hide_weapon_events and problems with compiling the plugin.

* A new level of protection, new options have been added to the config:
  • volume_range_based allows you to completely hide the coordinates of the players by manipulating the parameters of sound and moving the coordinates to volume_range_dist to the player.
  • hide_weapon_events hides EVENT players whose not visible.
  • cut_off_sound_dist and cut_off_sound_vol to hide sounds outside of audibility, you can specify the maximum hearing distance of the sounds and the minimum volume, the sounds that come under this test will not be sent to customers.
  • crack_old_esp_box breaks old ESP cheats (and some new)

The name of the config has also been changed to unrealistic_anti_esp.cfg to apply the new default settings (have been changed).

ძირითადი ინფორმაცია

  • Csworld.Ge არის თამაშების ჰოსტინგი, ჩვენ ვრთავთ არაერთი თამაშის სერვერს ფორუმი კი მაგ სერვერების და ხალხის განვითარებას მოემსახურება


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